Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thou art patient :)


Still taking a while for these poems gggrrrr. But I thought it would not hurt just to send out oneee


It's a good one, I promise :)

Enjoy until the next update!!

Kahlan Jade

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Binge POEM


These past few weeks I wrote a tonnn. its taking me a bit more time to publish the next poems and make 'em all neat and perty. I tired binge typing them a drafts, I only got half way done in half an hour. But hey at least its some progress. It will seem that the next theme will be "mass hysteria" being different kinds of poems all in one. Like I said, all the feels!! HAHAHA

 Its never bad to binge write, unless your hand falls off...thats a problem. :)

Thanks for being patient!

Kahlan Jade

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

So funny!! XD

Had to pop in to show you this:

WHAATTT?!?!? Please someone tell me who this guy is and I'll marry him. It's a freaking sonnet. GREATEST THING I'VE EVER READ EVER.

Saw it on Pintrest many, many times! ITS SO GOOD HAHAHA

Anyway, that was random, but because of my Honors English 10 class last year I actually know this! LOL.

Arn't poems amazing!!

Enjoy :)

Kahlan Jade

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2015!! :D


As life coils our days, there manages to be many things that can change dramatically. 2015 has only just begun and let me tell you it's been a wild ride! So wild, in fact, that it has engage a whole lot of feeling into me and in turn gave me a lot of inspiration. This may be good or bad, but letting out these feeling through poetry makes them easy to manage! So, throughout the month get ready for some lines filled with deep emotion-or so I think.. O_O

Either way, HAPPY FEBRUARY, bring all the love, ideas, and happiness to the table. Lets make this month a good one!

That's all for now I guess... :)

As always,

Stay Beautiful!

Kahlan Jade