Monday, January 15, 2018

Cliff Narratives?

Hello beautiful reader!

As I lollygag about in my draft section, I have to inform you that I have fallen prey to the many of unfinished words. Things mostly written were of high emotion and often cannot be finished in another go, the only other "go" is that of editing and polishing. Therefore, we have this alternate section I liked to call 'cliff narratives'. They are those writings of mine that I cannot, per say, put in stanza form--into a poem. Just does not seem right.

See the source image

Looking back the first two I have published, one isn't super long, while the other is decently sized. I never worry about length, but content. Yet, when I look at the few in my draft section in the end, I have to dub these a garble of the mind. *chuckle* The fact that certain lines would not flow nicely into a poem excite me in a way that we can convey anything really into something of art-- and not necessarily a whole book or full short story/narrative. 

See the source image

I hope you enjoy these short pieces from mind!

Read my other Cliff Narratives!

Hopefully I will make your acquaintance next week!

Kahlan Jade

Monday, January 8, 2018

Deja Vu


Photos are like puzzle pieces. Life in moments all fit together to create a journey like no other. Often times, you have no idea how to start the puzzle. Perhaps you take it by the horns, let luck take the lead. Maybe you compare groups of common patterns that match areas on the box, organize and attack! Whatever the case piecing the puzzle is the challenge we have all taken to heart. With the one exception, giving up. Puzzles may not be your thing, but it is another aspect that giving up a challenge shows your integrity to give your self a chance to really live. How far are you in your puzzle?

This week I have chosen Unanswered Answers for the vlog. The quest in choosing pictures for a vlog is more challenging than initially anticipating. But it is really fun to choose a picture previously taken to make it fit into a written word. Truly connects and gives more body to the poem!

No other new poems this week! For they are all still bare boned in their pajamas.


Kahlan Jade

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year to the new you!

First day with its first says,

Come one, come all for another round of exciting words to behold! In the event of obvious absence have again sparked a need for sharing. Not only have we achieved 4 links below I am embarking on a new approach of translating select poems into a pictorial video blog!

Fill your appetite.

Cat's in the Cradle
La Douleur Exquie
Invincible Glass

Watch my first video!

As always, stay beautiful, and happy new year!

Kahlan Jade