Happy 2015 to all! Its been a few weeks since last I seen this blog! Truthfully, I've been busy with many thing! Wrapping up school, warming up to a new job, moving my gears for wonderful poems, its been a wild roller coaster! But, now its time to review what's up with these poems!
A lot of my earlier ones initially posted on this blog I really loved. And I never want to post just anything just to have something up. NO It must mean something in order to have value! I don't think anyone could disagree! So, if it takes me while, just know each poem is delicately crafted in my forever expanding mind!
Point being, I'd soon also find other creative writings around and post them. This is not going to be all me! I'd like to see what others come up with. Inspiration is really amazing, new corners of the mind should be explored and shared!
Feel free to send me anything you'd like to share. I'd be willing to read anything! Whether you'd like it to be posted or not, its your choice. The world is beautiful; lets share our joys and sorrows together!

Have a wonderful new year. Keep those resolutions in good heart! Remember that tomorrow is always better :)
Till next time
Stay Beautiful!
~Kahlan Jade