Monday, November 14, 2016

A Forty Line Poem You Say?

Cheeky be the stars,

After a night with the big moon, we take a breath after a long day of troubles, hopes, and snickering lingering joy. What is to become of us who just one day write our hearts out, none challenge ever said. Taking every right moment to make the words right. In most cases, the works of words that take me the longest are my favorite. I have decided to release these words from their shackles of my mind, hopefully I've wondered the realms of each line enough!

~Au Revior~

Fair to say au contraire to the post title, it was originally not 40 lines, but a few longer. What a challenge! And I accept. Taken to another level this made the writing, no regrets to the changes to try to fulfill the forty. However, the biggest challenge was finding the right feeling to let go and say it is done. What more should be said? I have never gone back and changed a poem after the fact, and never plan on it, but with one like this it is intimidating that my feelings will be stamped--this is what it is, no turning back!

Take it to what your soul wishes and have a good time

Kahlan Jade

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Friday, November 11, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016



Cycle be a word that comes to thought when reminded of the things that have changed over a time of a mere year. Fighting to strike a set of words on a slippery minded time before bed. Something needed to be written. 

And here it is! 

Words that fall out yet not into a poem. What I call a second cliff narrative. Its been a while since writing another. For the first was written nearly 1 and a half years ago. A full range of what could be concluded about a confused mind trailing to make sense of something. Confused is such a dirty word. Puzzle is better. 

But I am fearless

Image result for puzzle GIf

Ten post meridian ideals,

Kahlan Jade