Friday, November 6, 2015

November Update: For not just fall, but stand tall

Oh look, autumn is afoot!

After successfully scaring the hipster vibes from school children in a haunted school, let it be taken to notice the feeling of so much power! MUWHAHAH! I have yet to actually finish writing my experience as a sad graveyard wanderer, but, none the less, fall is here! As the golden leave fall and crumble one must come to think and stay tall. Like the unexpected changes of time *tic tok* a subtle feeling of undermining wants to unfold.

Some may attempt to send you into a guilt trip *cough* calling off my work shift one day *cough*, or merely the devilish humans we must face in our everyday lives. By this face, running away is not an option. Stand confidently, have your voice-- excellent weapon of choice-- at the ready, exemplifying a dominant being. Skew it to your advantage, as much as you can, later on it won't hurt as much it a sense did falter.

Find the aspects of dominance here:
Have Another Cig

Hope you will enjoy!

Kahlan Jade

Now excuse me while I finish my drama :P