Have Another Cig

I hope He is counting
the days correctly
Wanting his end to come.
Mental Shortage.
Seems to be soon
But not soon enough.

We hate your habits
Your toil
Makes no profit
But that's not what I want.

So please
Have another cig.
Let it take you
smother you
While you sleep--
no one will care.

And that
Is being honest.

Have another cig

That's what you wanted
Isn't it?
To "de-stress"
from what?
The calamities
you have created:
hiding like a coward.

What makes me
not take you out 
Oh that's right!

He and he
Both balancing one another
until he breaks
Like a cig. 


  1. Hmm I think this poem is an anger poem towards someone- you want them to dig themselves out of their own hole or else just let them rot there? I want to understand D:! Btw, love the new theme!

  2. Lets see, how do I put this? I do see the main anger aspect yes. But, thinking as the writer to take such a position would be in fact to stand up to your beliefs-- even if that includes hating someone so much wanting them dead or out of your life. Anger can come in two ways as I see it: anger to the point of just hatred and not really doing anything about it and anger to the point of having to take a position and act on it when the time arises. Sure you can think what you want about a person, but to a point you want them dead?! This will indeed change your actions toward that person and you may find yourself acting totally different when they are around, you may not even see them as a person anymore. Eventually having to stand up for your self.

    No so much to dig themselves out, but pretty much stating their flaws in hopes they know the wrongs. But, this person has no hope and we cannot change them which leads to giving up--"go ahead and keep doing your wrongs and continue to bury your self deeper, I dont care anymore".

    Don't know if my little ramble helps! :)
