Upon reach found within recent months of toil, many treasures were written and even found buried. When you can surprise your self with old words that YOU, YOU MY FRIEND have written. Have you ever taken a moment to write a letter to your self for future enjoyment, or reminder? Not even as a journal entry, but just for sake of future sanity? It can start that way, until you find your self writing page, upon page of words that may seem like nonsense now, but will be somewhat golden later.
Whether it be a poem from years ago, or that letter you wrote as a young'in. It takes a great deal of remembrance to think about how you were at the time. From the bad times to the good, or heck, you just had a good writing day! From down days to slowly inclining back to my peak, I decided to wonder yonder back and find and scrap together what I haven published yet, its been so long for many!
As I read them, cleaning an tying up loose ends, I can't help wonder how these words came to be. Maybe I was just having a good writing day? Even the times of low waves or anger to wrangle together simple words into what goes beyond symbolism that we have never thought about before! Its quiet amazing!
Now here we are, traveling-a-we-will-go! Journey to a time that may not have been too long ago. Back to a time when you would have never guessed life changing moments like these we face today would occur. Back to an agreeable moment that the past was always simpler. Back to a time when we hoped for the better tomorrow. Traveling backwards in order to move forward.
Scary State of Mind
Upon the Shelf
Dirty Love
Welcome to Hell
My Mind like Miss. Steel
Saying Goodbye (Surface)
Table Thoughts
If I have learned anything about myself lately, its that life has gotten me more open minded. Meeting many beautiful souls giving me the urge to pursue a deeper train of thought. I love every single moment. This being said, I may not know when the next post will be, but they will in deed be long(er) an more meaningful-- hopefully, just as this one is, as compared to older ones!
As always! Enjoy!
Kahlan Jade