What is it that we can learn from interaction with 'hoomans'. *shudders* Finding the aspects of the person that reveals more than what they say, or never say. It is easy to miss out on the concept of body language and just that feeling of the environment when we are exposed to the staged image of media. Staged smiles, settings, and even feelings! Honestly, factious pieces are planned as so to achieve a certain feeling! But, when you speak to people there are varying degrees of connections. Many of which we hope to connect personally to understand one another. Often times, even that can't be met when one party refuses to connect. That fine line of positive human connection is what defines us from a casual human convention with a customer, to just job that robot could be doing.
A much deeper conversation we crave when an interest is sparked, friendship-fondship?! Even as a introvert, we are all the same in the end. Wanting to know what each other feel inside. Notice--most likely-- the ones you care for, it is easier to give their eyes a hug.
"I hate it when you look at me like that" --we I am concerned for you, thank you very much my dear!
As for the proud, and some humble ones, cheekily turn a front face for a conversation, acceptable I suppose.
A Certain Silence
Tears of Blood
What is it that brings us to such strong feelings for and against each other?
I find I ask more questions than explaining for myself! heehee.
Bonus: Dear Professor
**Finished this one for an art exhibition but somehow never got published! ahh!
Kahlan Jade

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