Book Review: Light Spark: Love's Divide by: Gabriel Requadt

                The legend of the long awaited Light Spark. The warrior who’s arrival is anticipated by the universe. When the darkness tries to prevail over the light once again; it is he who must arise. Wielding the sword with the soul of the elements, where can one find this mythical hero in such a time of need? Look no farther than the young sassy prince of Arcudia, Larz. When his planet is invaded by the dastardly cruel master of darkness, Exxion, for Larz it is merely a time to be ruler and protect his land. The reality of the situation becomes apparent when his wife, Elluna, is kidnapped in the process of the attack. Once he finds out he is the legendary Light Spark, his journey becomes much more than a quest to save his soul mate, Elluna.

                To start off I must say this book has much more to it than just what the synopsis says. As my fellow friend and book blogger *ahem* (Sophia Waterheart from BookwyrmingThoughts) says and I quote “Meh, the synopsis could have been written better, but I love the illustrations” which I then proceed to scream “THERES MORE TO A BOOK THAN THE PRETTY PICTURES” As you read the book you will begin to see the series plot set up nicely. But, once you dive in deeper you will notice the book is primarily made up of 75% backstory/flashback. Now there is totally nothing wrong with that but the bad side is that at times I began to forget the whole point of the story which I then proceed to look at the back cover for the summary. ~OOOOHHHHH Once the flash back is over-by than we are half way done with the book- it’s like: “wait so where did we leave Larz off last?” In a sense I do agree with the summary that the whole series will be about this one plot line but the content of the book as a whole doesn’t really match up with the intent of the summary.  So ratings are therefore: Initial Reaction 3/5, Illustrations: 4/5, Organization: 3/5.

                Let’s get into some more nitty gritty! With Mortal Kombat X having recently came out, I imagined the battles in the book being played out as a Mortal Kombat. Haha. With cheesy lines of the “Bring it on” sort, I can’t help but imagine the Mortal Kombat fighting style. FIGHT! I liked the idea of a type of futuristic world but Light Spark also throws in a feel of old times too! Futuristic guns versus a sword, woah now! Ships, palaces, and rocketing through space! Speaking of the battles, when Larz has the sword most times he shouts out the attack- even the bad guys do this too- it very much reminded me of Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and a hint of Harry Potter. Really, shouting attack? It, to me, seemed very unnecessary- and quiet annoying.




Rating is therefore: Action: 5/5, Fight scenes: 5/5, Descriptions: 3/5

                On a good note, I did appreciate the fact that this plot was a fresh idea. Many popular books these days focus on stuff like dystopia, post-apocalyptic times, or vampires. True I don’t read a ton of books but to me that’s what seemed to be getting all the attention. Light Spark reminds me of a type of plot shown in comic books, video games, or even shounen manga; which in my mind would lead to a wider audience. This aint no Fifty Shades! Throughout the book you tend to build these relationships with the characters always in hope for the best outcome. Yet, as we read Light Spark it is full of surprises at every corner. Watch out! Rating is therefore: Originality: 5/5, Predictability: 5/5

                SPEAKING OF THE ENDING!!! I was completely blown away. Expecting a wonderful ending with a slight cliff hanger due to the fact that literally half the book was character building and back story, that was all downhill once you read the ending. But there is a reason for everything which would lead me to anticipate the unpredictable events of the next book. *crossing fingers for events in my favor* I haven’t been this upset over character twists since *SPOLIER ALERT* Demetri turned evil and Rose rejected him forever in Vampire Academy. *GGGRRRR*

Average Rating: 4.125/5
Would I read it again: YES

Would Recommend? Yes J

Check out the book your self!

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