Taking a special mind to collect it as so.
Sucking every pixel, ray, and wave
that so makes you wonder--
am I really right?
A mere coincidence, silly me!
Brushing it off yet it still hangs
like the new shirt purchased
with your very first paycheck.
It's there to use, but don't want to over use it.
It's too perfect.
The teeth of the pieces do indeed fit
but the picture doesn't save it self.
No matter the reality
my mind needs an answer.
As I always have. Nosy, Nosy
From a January's dismay
to a June's final breath
a theory is made for any
and all
Funny what a single second can do
truth and lies come afoot.
Corrupt corporations act then hide.
A status breaks a heart.
A single date corresponds.
It is then we can say:
Every second of toil and trial
Whether true or developing theory,
instantly the mind changes.
A little cognitive dissonance
goes a long way.
With attitudes changed
I now can lay
I have got it!

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