with a fiery soul to hold
the Knight of Ravens
lives up to his name.
Many young maidens
he seeks
with no avail.
Even when one opposing force
seeks him first.
Young indentured servant
trapped in her world of woes
couldn't have wished for anymore.
Seeking out the brave knight
every day in the world of words;
He admits of joy to it too
but seeming by not just the same.
So her world is deepened
thrice as it begun.
When it appears an affair
finally accepting the presence
of the Knight of Ravens.
So his real form
tells us his tale.
Giddy lights paraded Knight
no mistake, the woos and yays
helped along the way
Until made known to him
it wasn't meant to be.
Knight's world turned
Black as night, twisted in mind
Knight takes low flight, lower and lower
disgustingly vague in trying to remain light.
Never in comparison to the worms he eats.
Every lost day, plagued
till our maiden was met.
Heart filled she was
why wanting him
wooing words back
and fourth.
She believed he was the one
to save her from the wrath
life offered her way.
Was she any less beautiful?
Was she even beautiful at all?
That is for you to decide
Never the less, she was back to level one--
in her dark thoughts of hopelessness
of this beautify-- none spared for herself.
His ravens pecked her alive
--at no protest from her.

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